4' 33" 2020 Featuring Marco Benevento and Kay Larson
An alphabetical press release about this year's (10th annual) anniversary performance of John Cage's 4'33": Saturday, August 29, 2020 via Zoom, featuring the musical talents of Marco Benevento and the insights of Cage biographer Kay Larson. Zoom link here: (click on "learn more") https://www.woodstockart.org/events/johncage-433-magnusson-benevento-larson/ 1 - First off, I'm so excited to have Marco Benevento performing the concert this year. A huge shout out of gratitude to him for making the time this year to perform it. Also, a super duper big thanks (once again) to Kay Larson, who will speak after 4'33" and before Marco plays some pieces of his own choosing. Kay has spoken a number of times before and is always entertaining and illuminating. She is currently working on her second book about John Cage. 2 - In around 2008, I was teaching a class at the Woodstock Day School entitled "Art That's Changed The Way I Look At...